
Apr. 8, 2021 evening weather update for Kenosha | Weather

Kenosha’s evening forecast: Cloudy in the evening. A few showers develop late. Low 47F. Winch S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%. Looking ahead, kenosha temperatures will hit the 50s tomorrow. It looks like it will be a brisk 58 degrees. 46 degrees is tomorrow’s low. The prognosis is for a few showers. The forecast for tomorrow brings with it a rain probability of 39%. You may want to bring an umbrella. The area will see light winds tomorrow, with forecast models showing only 13 mph wind conditions from the south. This report is automatically generated using weather data provided by TownNews.com. Keep an eye on kenoshanews.com for forecast information and severe weather updates.

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