
“It’s Mind-blowing”: Racine County Police Officers “Shocked” by Daunte Wright’s Death Crimes and Courts

That 2009 case involved the death of Oscar Grant, a man who was brought to the ground after a fight but was reportedly still struggling. An officer asked others to “come back”, announced that he would “curse” the man on the ground, but then shot him in the back.

The officer was charged with second degree murder but found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

‘What went wrong?’

With proper training, officers should have a “muscle memory” to distinguish between drawing their gun and drawing their taser, Larsen said.

The police authorities of Mount Pleasant and Caledonia have their officers recertified annually in Taser training courses. It’s once every two years in the Racine Police Department.

Larsen said he was asked, “What was the point of failure? What went wrong? Was it improper equipment placement? Was it improper training? Was it a one-time thing? “

Soens said he was wondering if the Brooklyn Center Police Department had not properly trained their officers, which allowed for such a mistake: “I wonder … ‘How did you mix that up?’ But I go back to: How often do you (the Brooklyn Center PD) exercise? ‘”

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