
New Milwaukee traffic safety initiatives announced

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and Police Chief Jeffrey Norman announced on Thursday, July 21 details of three new traffic safety initiatives in the city.

Those safety initiatives include a new commitment with the Wisconsin State Patrol to provide high traffic enforcement in high crash areas. It is a partnership that began just two weeks ago. The patrols will include periodic patrols on strategic hot spots along state highways that cross the city – with a particular emphasis on Capitol Drive (WIS 190) and Fond du Lac Avenue (WIS 145). Enforcement will run through this summer.

Why is the partnership with the State Patrol notable? Because any driver cited by the Wisconsin State Patrol will be subject to a state ticket which costs more than a city ticket.

The second initiative announced Thursday is the use of a bait car. Police Chief Norman said at any given time, there will be one or more vehicles in the city — either a Kia or Hyundai – on the streets. They are equipped so that MPD can safely disable the vehicle in the event it is stolen.

Lastly, MPD is bringing back it’s CAT program — which stands for Catch Auto Theft. Drivers get a decal that is put on the back of a vehicle. It is registered with the Milwaukee Police Department — and indicates to officers that those vehicles should not be operated on the roads between 11 pm and 5 am – a stretch of time when most vehicles are stolen.

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Chief Norman said even with all of the initiatives being brought to light, officers need the help of the public.

“But I want you to ask yourself, what are you doing? How are you able to impact in your own way,” Norman said. “I don’t want anyone to be vigilantes out there. Don’t put a Batman suit on or a Superman cape on and go out there and try to do things that’s not within your world view to do.”

Milwaukee officials announce new traffic safety initiatives

Milwaukee’s mayor and police chief announce details of new traffic safety initiatives in the city.

“We’ve accomplished a great deal — and it’s partnerships like this that really are the backbone to the success that we’ve seen over the last 100 days,” Johnson said.

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson

This is a developing story.

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