
2021 Today’s Teen: Ben Massoglia of Bradford High School | Local News

I am Massoglia

School: Bradford High School

Parents: Todd and Cathy Massoglia

Most Memorable Moment in High School: Won the regional championship in basketball

Most Influential Teacher: Shawnelle Gross in the study room; He goes out of his way to make sure everything is going well with you and genuinely cares about his students. He is always checking us out and preparing us for the future.

School activities / clubs: National Honor Society, Student Government

School athletics: Baseball, basketball, volleyball

Honors, letters or awards: Honor roll every semester, 4 times university sports letter, academic letter

Extracurricular activities / hobbies: Baseball, weightlifting, learning about the stock market, and hanging out with friends

College Choice: Carthage College in Kenosha

Specific major / subject: Actuarial

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